Monday, February 18, 2013

Who. Not what.

For most of my life I have known that God has a plan for my life.  This fact should be very reassuring and encouraging, but for many years, knowing that God has a plan for my life has filled me with anxiety and has left me in fear of not following God’s plan for my life.

I believed that God has one very specific and exact plan for the way I am supposed to live my life.  I imagined that God had laid out my life and I needed to essentially read God’s mind in order to figure out what to say, what to think, where to go, where to stay, and what to wear so that I would please God and live the life God wanted me to live.  I thought making one wrong choice, one mis-step, one incorrect action would forever alter my life in a way that would never allow me to get back on the “right” path that God had intended me to walk down.

And it was never the worry of making bad choices that gave me such anxiety.  I’ve never been one to consider recklessly breaking laws, repeatedly partying hard through the night and ditching class in the morning, or doing other such things that would detrimentally affect my life.  The decisions that filled me with anxiety were decisions between doing two or more good things.  Decisions like: should I join the Peace Corps or should I go to graduate school to study social justice?  Or should I apply to work at Non-profit Organization A or Christian Organization B? 

I often felt paralyzed and unable to make any decision because I was so afraid of making the wrong decision. 

To some extent I’ve wanted to hold on to the belief that God has one specific plan for my life: a second-by-second plan to living the life God intended for Melissa.  If I could just figure out a way to read God’s mind and know what that second by second plan is, life would be so easy…

But I’ve come to understand that God’s plan for my life is more about WHO God wants me to be and less about WHAT God wants me to do.  If I am the person God wants me to be then I will naturally do the things God wants me to do.

God wants me to be a person who loves and serves God and likewise loves and serves other people.  God wants me to be a person who seeks justice and leads other people to act in ways that bring about justice in this world.  And God wants me to be a person who has hope and spreads that hope that one day the Kingdom of God will be fully present on earth.

Perhaps it is the case that God has a detailed plan laid out for my life.  I’m not opposed to this idea, but I’ve found such freedom in relinquishing the idea that I need to figure out and follow some unknown to me second-by-second and step-by-step plan.

So for now my plan is to trust and be. I’m going to trust that God has a plan for my life and try to be the person I think God wants me to be.