Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Micah 6:8

Look what I made!

I saw this idea on Pinterest (if you don’t know what this is you should check it out because it is a super cool way to spend way too much time looking at pictures of delicious food and fantastic craft ideas.  If you want an invite, let me know.).  The one I saw on Pinterest was one a mom made with her baby’s hands and feet prints and I thought it would be cool to do this with my own hands and feet.  

It may look pretty simple (and really it was), but it really took more skill and work than I was anticipating.  First I had to figure out what kind of paint to buy, then I had to choose the colors.  Making the hand and foot prints was much more difficult than I thought it would be…when was the last time you covered the bottom of your foot in paint, put it on a canvas, and then tried to wash your foot off in the sink without getting paint everywhere?  Well, it’s actually pretty difficult. 

There was something very therapeutic about getting my hands and feet all paint-y…the paint was cold and a little slimy and made me feel like I was back in preschool.  I think we all need to get out hands and feet messy more often.

Then there was painting the words…  My mom was gracious enough to give me a little refresher course in cursive writing.  I forgot how some of the letters were formed (3rd grade was a long time ago!) and I went through a series of touch-ups on the letters trying to get them just right.

It’s not perfect, but it sure has some character.   

But in all seriousness, I love this.  I love that my hands and feet are on this.  Whenever I see it I will be reminded of this verse from Micah 6:8:

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. 
And what does the LORD require of you? 

To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God.

More importantly, every time I see my painting I will be reminded that it is my hands that must act justly, it is my heart that must love mercy, and it is my feet that must walk humbly.  God has called me and each of us to follow God’s will, to act as God has called us to act, and to bring about a more just world.  God has pretty high standards, and I need to be reminded of these standards. Often.  Hopefully this painting will help remind me and convict me of the importance of doing all that God requires of me.